Styling (CSS)

Next Generation CSS

This boilerplate uses styled-components for styling React components. styled-components allows you to write actual CSS inside your JavaScript, enabling you to use the full power of CSS 💪 without mapping between styles and components. There are many ways to style React applications, but many developers find styled-components to be a more natural approach to styling components.


To complement styled-components, this boilerplate also has a CSS linting setup. It uses stylelint which will help you stay consistent with modern CSS standards. Read about it here.


This boilerplate also uses sanitize.css to make browsers render all elements more consistently and in line with modern standards, it's a modern alternative to CSS resets. More info available on the sanitize.css page.


The example below creates two styled React components (<Title> and <Wrapper>) and renders them as children of the <Header> component:

import * as React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components/macro';

// Create a <Title> React component that renders an <h1> which is
// centered, palevioletred and sized at 1.5em
const Title = styled.h1`
  font-size: 1.5em;
  text-align: center;
  color: palevioletred;

// Create a <Wrapper> React component that renders a <section> with
// some padding and a papayawhip background
const Wrapper = styled.section`
  padding: 4em;
  background: papayawhip;

// Use them like any other React component – except they're styled!
function Button() {
  return (
      <Title>Hello, here is your first styled component!</Title>

(The CSS rules are automatically vendor-prefixed, so you don't have to think about it!)

🧙Tips: Importing from styled-components/macro will enable some features you can see here.

Media queries

Type-safe media queries can be complicated if you haven't mastered TypeScript. Therefore we include a media utility file to make things easier for you.

Example Usage

import { media } from 'styles/media';

const SomeDiv = styled.div`
  display: flex;
  .... ${media.medium} {
    display: block;

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