CLI & Scaffolding


yarn cleanAndSetup

Removes the example app, replacing it with the smallest amount of boilerplate code necessary to start writing your app! Also, it makes some essential changes to your setup to give you a clean and working start.

Note: This command is self-destructive; once you've run it, it disables itself. This action is for your safety, so you can't irreversibly delete portions of your project by accident.


yarn generate

Allows you to auto-generate boilerplate code for common parts of your application, specifically components, and redux-toolkit slices. You can also run yarn generate <part> to skip the first selection (e.g., yarn generate component).

yarn test:generators

Test whether the generators are working fine. It generates components and slices with a variety of settings. This command is helpful if you decide to customize generators for your needs.


yarn start:prod
  • Builds your app (see yarn run build)

  • Serves the build folder locally

The app is built for optimal performance; assets are minified and served gzip-ed.

Unit testing

yarn test

Unit tests specified in the **/__tests__/*.ts files throughout the application are run.

All the test commands allow an optional -- [string] argument to filter the tests run by Jest, useful if you need to run a specific test only.

# Run only the Button component tests
yarn test -- Button


yarn lint

Lints your Typescript and your CSS.

yarn lint:fix

Lints your code and tries to fix any errors it finds.

Extracting translation JSON Files

yarn extract-messages


yarn checkTs

Checks for TypeScript errors.

Last updated